DECEMBER books for the avid reader Posted on December 6, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri Hey all, I promised you some insanely cool December reads from some awesome authors, so here ya go: Elvish Lover RELEASE DAY TODAY! WOOT WOOT
New Purely Paranormal Pleasures Book OUT NOW Posted on December 4, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri It’s LIVE!Phucky the Elf Plays Matchmaker by P. Mattern is here!Grab it now on #Amazon, #Kobo, #iTunes, and #BarnesandNoble!“THIS naughty and insatiable elf would love to frost your cookies!”#PurelyParanormalPleasures #PMattern #HolidayPNR
Happy Thursday! Posted on December 3, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri If you are signed up for my newsletter, you should’ve received the first round of them by now (I hope) sent with the new platform. I am so happy to have made the switch and look forward to hearing from you. It’s just 4 more days until Elvish Lover releases and I am so excited for you to read Medjed’s story! Thanks for being awesome! Xoxo, C.D.
New email platform Posted on December 2, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri Hello everyone! You might have noticed my newsletter schedule is kinda off. Well, you see, what happened is this, I have been paying various platforms over the past five years to ty and find the best one so that my emails are getting delivered to my subscribers with any kind of regularity only to discover that most of these providers fall grossly short of expectations and promises on delivery. That said, I am now using a different approach. Along with my new WordPress site, I am trying an oldie but goodie delivery system and hope that you are getting the newsletter you signed up for. On that note, please do not mark me as spam if you are seeing me for the first time in years- lol. I promise I did not add you without your permission. You signed up voluntarily either through a form, to get a free book, or to enter a contest. I know we are all bombarded with dozens of emails a day and if you don’t want it, I totally respect that. Just unsubscribe. No harm no foul. When you mark an email as spam you are hurting that person’s ability to reach the people who really want to get their emails. It’s just the way this wonky system works. So please, if you have to go, do so gracefully and click “unsubscribe”. 😉 THANK YOU for being awesome! *Now if you want to see what I’ve got cooking check out my homepage for new and upcoming releases by clicking here! xoxo, C.D.
Last Chance FREE Posted on November 30, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri A Bear for Christmas is free thru midnight! Don’t miss out 😉
Mark your calendars! 2021 AUTHOR/BOOK SIGNING EVENTS! Posted on November 30, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri Hi everyone! A lot of people (ME) were bummed about all the signings being cancelled in 2020, but good news! You can meet me in 2021 at: RomantiConn Author Signing in Trumbull, CT CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS! & Delightfully Dirty in Dallas August , 2021 CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS & Tempted & Tantalizing NYC October 2021! CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS! Staten Island, NY MAKE SURE YOU EMAIL ME TO PREORDER YOUR BOOKS (I WILL HAVE VERY LIMITED QTY AVAILABLE)
Welcome to my new website! Posted on November 28, 2020 | by C.D. Gorri Hey everyone, We have moved to WordPress! I hope you like the new look <3 I will be updating my newsletter platform in the next few days so please look for an announcement in the next few days from me <3 Have an awesome evening! xoxo, C.D. Gorri