Ready to say goodbye to 2020?

The end of another year is upon us and though many of you would agree this one was rocky at best, I am always sort of mixed up when it comes to starting a new one… I suppose that’s to be expected, but I am trying to stay positive and looking forward to bigger, better things ahead.

So, with that in mind, bring on 2021! We got this!

Here’s a couple of books to look forward to in January:

Casting Magic: The Angela Tanner Files 2


Dragon Shield: Guardians of Chaos 2

#DragonShifters #CDGorriBooks #FatedMates #CHBBPublishing #ShifterRomance #PNR #Dragons #Witches #FantasyRomance #KU #KindleUnlimited #Amazon #UrbanFantasy

Feed your kindle! More DECEMBER goodies (check dates)

ON sale for $0.99 Dec 23-27 Wolf Shield on Amazon US

ON sale for $0.99 Dec 23-27 G’Witches on Amazon US

On sale for 99cents Dec 11-Dec 25:

On sale for 99cents Dec 18-Jan 1:

99¢ in the US only 12/28 – 12/31

The Chronicles of the Fallen set is on sale for 99 cents! This hasn’t happened in over two years! Come dive into my first series every written! What’s included:

Southern Roots Complete Collection is on sale for 99 cents! Pick up this six book series for less than a dollar!

2020 in review!


I was just having a little fun in one of the reader groups I belong to on Facebook and decided to put together a little post about my 2020 releases and holy cow…

have you read these yet?

You can find them all right here!

Time to feed your Kindle ;-)

So, I don’t know about you but the holidays can be super stressful and having good reads is on my list of most important must-haves. That in mind, I made you guys a list to check out 😉

Available WIDE!
Releases Dec 15

Polar Opposites is ON sale for $0.99 Dec 14-18 on Amazon US & UK 

On sale for 99cents Dec 18-Jan 1

On sale for 99cents Dec 11-Dec 25:

On sale for 99cents Dec 18-Dec 25

On sale for 99cents Dec 25-Jan 1
99¢ in the US only 12/28 – 12/31
New Release 12/11 AMAZON
Releases Dec 15
Coming Dec 24

Time for a little Howliday spirit!

It is finally HERE!!!

The Tiger King’s Christmas Bride: Howls Romance (Maccon City Shifters 2) by C.D. Gorri is live and on #KU!

He’s the ruler of a Tiger Pride spending the holidays in his solitary cabin in the woods. She’s a nail technician on her way to a client’s house before her Christmas vacation.
When her car spins out of control on the icy road, and crashes into a tree, she is stranded with no help in sight until he happens upon her.

Saving the strange woman from certain death will put a damper in his plans to spend the holidays alone, but his Tiger is convinced she is more to him than meets the eye.

Can he convince the dark haired beauty to be his Christmas bride?

Find out in this classic holiday romance with a furry twist!

howlsromance #cdgorribooks #howlsfortheholidays #tigershifter #christmasromance

Tuesday Mornings are for…

more apologies. <3

Hey all,

Once more, please allow me to apologize for the glitch that sent multiple confirmation emails to subscribers yesterday. I am sincerely hoping it got fixed. I am very very sorry and that was not my intention at all. I hope you can forgive me.

Yesterday was release day for Purely Paranormal Pleasures. if you haven’t done so, grab your copy of Elvish Lover today. 😉 Then there are two more days till The Tiger King’s Christmas Bride is here. That one is available on KU.

Happy reading everyone and I wish you all safe and healthy this holiday season <3

GLITCH alert

I am so so soooooo soryy for the multitude of confirmation emails being sent from my account. I am working on having the issue resolved. My sincerest apologies.