No FB or IG? Posted on October 4, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri So…Facebook and IG are down. Until then…you can check find me here: Home Tweets by cgor22
Thank You Beary Much is on PREORDER! Posted on September 27, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri COMING SOON! Harvest season is here, and for one of Barvale’s own that means reaping what he’s sown! AJ Ramirez thought his life was over when the Enforcer Security Unit caught him tagging cabins at Lake Ursa when he was just a teen. But the Black Bear Shifter has come a long way since then. Graduating with honors from the local community college and opening his own Taqueria in Barvale was like a dream come true. Life was good. Almost perfect. If only he could forget that one passionate night he’d spent with a gorgeous stranger in Cancun last spring break. A year later and he still dreamt about the beautiful Estella Baron. Imagine his shock when she comes to Barvale looking for her husband. Him! #barvaleclantales#cdgorribooks#bearshifterfatedmates#jaguarshifterfatedmates Thank You Beary Much
FREE Posted on September 22, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri Wolf Moon by C.D. Gorri is F*R*E*E*! Hi. My name is Grazi Kelly. There are things I know are true and things that I never would have guessed. First, demons and witches exist and they are evil. Second, the world is up for grabs and the witches are getting their minions ready. Third, I’m a werewolf and it’s my job to stop #urbanfantasy #cleanreads #werewolf #wolfshifter #cdgorribooks Wolf Moon
TikTok anyone? Posted on September 16, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri @cdgorriauthor ##booktok ##booktokafterdark ##cdgorribooks ##pnr ##paranormalromance ##urbanfantasy ##booktokers ##fatedmates ##shiftermates ##vampireromance ##newrelease ##99cents ##heartsunleashed ##steamyreads @ginakincade @rebeccahefnerauthor @authortheresahissong @sirenmreneeallen @amandakimberleylb @juliemorganbooks ♬ Play with Fire (feat. Yacht Money) – Sam Tinnesz
Sammi and the Jersey Bull are almost here…wake up to something awesome- preorder today! Posted on September 13, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri Holy crap! 1 more day to go! EEEEEEEEEEEEK! Here are some fun facts about Sammi and the Jersey Bull As with all my books, one of the characters is a New Jersey native The title is a little word play on the infamous mafia hitman Sammy the BullHedgehogs really do spit a huge phlegm ball on their backs when they taste something new they likeJersey is a British breed of small dairy cattle from Jersey, in the British Channel Islands I really loved writing this book, and each time I am offered the opportunity to write in Eve Langlais’ incredible FUC Academy I am thrilled. (Seriously fangirling over Ms. Langlais and her incredible imagination!).So…have you grabbed yours yet? #pnr#evelworlds#cdgorribooks#shifterfatedmates
SHIFTER MOUNTAIN SNEAK PEEK! Posted on September 11, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri Happy Saturday ! Because many of you know that I am in a boxed set trying to hit a bestseller list, I thought I’d share a sneak peek of my story with you all. That cool? First a few fun facts about HEARTS UNLEASHED… Did you know there are over 20+ BRAND NEW Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy stories in this one unbelievably priced anthology? For real! Our author line-up includes bestselling and award winning authors who are bringing you the best of what they do in this collection, and that’s entertain you! Whether you read to escape or for pure relaxation, Hearts Unleashed has variety and quality in the genre you love by the authors you already one-click (and maybe a few new to you superstars as well!). So if you have not grabbed it yet…what are you waiting for? <3 Okay here is an excerpt from my book Shifter’s Unleashed which is the first installment in my brand spanking new Hearts of Stone Series. This series is all about growly Shifters who think they don’t need love to live their lives and the incredible women who prove them wrong. I just love my heroines smart, sassy, curvy, and with a little backbone! So here is a snippet that shows a bit of Marilena’s backstory in Shifter Mountain! Hope you like it! What the actual fuck? Lena sat behind the wheel of her SUV in the now filthy wedding dress she’d so lovingly bought in utter and complete shock. Was this real life? Like, did that actually just happen? She looked up and squinted at the bright headlights from the oncoming traffic, trying desperately to shield her vision from their halogen glares. What the hell was she doing sitting outside with her trunk full of her still-packed suitcases and garbage bags of clothing and other random doohickeys and nick-knacks she grabbed before hightailing it out of there? Most of her furniture and things were still in storage. Thank God for small favors, she thought. But seriously. How the hell had she wound up here? She retraced her steps in her mind and was no closer to an answer. After all, she did everything right. She’d started a business and was finally making a profit. Lena had found the right sort of guy and even gotten him to propose. Cary was a lawyer. Smart as a whip and a real smooth talker. She’d agreed to go out with him immediately, flattered as she was by the tall, slender blonde’s attentions. Hell, she’d even given up carbs for the fucker. He’d insisted her weight was a negative reflection on him, and he was up for partner. Had to make a good impression. After he’d proposed and laid out his plans to “fix” her, Marilena had simply smiled and agreed. Her mother told her for years she was too chubby to appeal to any man. At the time, Lena had simply ignored her. She’d always relied on her brains and optimism to get her through the tough times, but the truth was she’d always been a bigger girl. She was a chef, for fuck’s sake. Food was a lot like life. It could be vibrant and fun, but there were consequences. Such as those to her hips and belly from a love of all things chocolate. Sigh. Still, she tried. For Cary and for her mother. Yes, Marilena loved blending cuisines from all over the world to create tempting and tasty treats her customers loved for their parties and events. She worked damn hard at it too, despite her mother’s criticisms. For some reason, her trim parent thought fat equaled lazy. But Lena was not lazy. She’d even agreed to Cary’s demands to work out five times a week, despite not losing a single pound over the last few months of killing herself. She enjoyed exercise, chub and all, but honestly, she preferred nature walks to spin class. “I don’t have time to go hiking with you,” Cary said every time she brought it up. “Okay, dear,” was her only reply. And yet. It wasn’t enough. Nothing she did or sacrificed was enough for the golden fiancé she’d been so proud to bring home to her disbelieving mother. That same parent who’d refused to let her come home tonight, insisting she apologize to that scoundrel.“Try to work things out, Lena. Who else is gonna want you?” Imagine that? Lena apologizing for Cary sticking his dick in another woman. Ha! That would be the day. Her mind wandered to the events that led to her pulling up at the Oasis Beachside Resort down in Maccon City. The Jersey shore town had been her home away from home during college. She’d always felt good there. Accepted. Even lusted after by the many handsome locals. And that was something out of the ordinary for all her experience during her years in culinary school in Connecticut. But back to her reality as of a few hours ago. Marilena Sorelli walked into the apartment she shared with her fiancé on her tiptoes. She was so excited to surprise Cary. Switching her flight to the redeye, just so she could show him the incredible gown she’d bought while she was away, had taken most of her savings, but it was worth it. Her fiancé was overly concerned about her weight. Especially with their upcoming nuptials, and she really couldn’t blame him. Lena was a size sixteen on a good day, but try as she might, there were some things she could not lose. Like her thick thighs, big butt, and larger-than-average breasts. Go figure she’d go for a guy who wanted runway model thin in his significant other. But he’d asked her to marry him, so she must mean something to him. Right? She was determined to make Cary happy. Luckily, the Las Vegas Foodie Con she’d attended, hoping to learn how to expand her catering business, was also home to a famous plus-size designer whose gowns were to die for. She was so lucky to run into Ava Marrow in the lobby of her hotel. The vivacious woman had agreed to see her last minute, claiming she had the perfect dress for Lena’s figure. And boy, did she ever! The gown was incredible. Marilena looked fabulous in it if she said so herself. Yes, she knew it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding, but that was just an old superstition! Slipping inside the door, she stripped out of her travel clothes and donned the dress, hoping to catch Cary as he woke up. He was a real stickler for schedules and insisted the alarm be set for the same time every single day. Weekends too. While she expected the chimes of the antiquated alarm clock, she did not expect the sight that greeted her when she walked into the room. There he was. Her neat as a pin, perfectly poised, and often boring if she were being honest, fiancé. He was laying in the middle of their king-sized bed with a bucket of ice holding an empty bottle of champagne, a dish of strawberry stems, and Dawn. His stick-figure secretary. “Are you fucking kidding me? You had food in bed?” Lena’s shriek of outrage over the fact that he’d fed his other woman a bowl of plump strawberries in bed when he freaked out if she so much as drank water while sitting beneath the covers might have seemed irrelevant. But it was all in the details. Which was why, after she caught the two of them in flagrante delicto, she grabbed the bucket of ice and upended it over Cary’s cheating head.
Now available on reading apps! Posted on September 9, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri Do you read on Dreame, Ringdom, or Webnovel? Well look for me there!
COUNTDOWN IS ON FOR HEARTS UNLEASHED! Posted on September 3, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri ♥♥Love Books? How about steamy Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy? Then we’ve gotcha covered! ♥♥ ♥♥I’m reaching out to see if you’ve preordered the Hearts Unleashed collection for only 99¢ yet?!?!?♥♥ WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE OUR GOAL! Please and thanks 😉 My story, Shifter Mountain, is releasing exclusively in this collection AND it’s about a loner Mountain Lion Shifter and his curvy HUMAN mate! Is Marilena’s love enough for Keeton to want to reenter the world? Will Fate shatter his heart of stone? You can grab this set right now for only 99¢. It would mean so much, you see, we are trying to land a spot on the USA Today list!! Please help me achieve this dream. Grab your copy today!!! Immerse yourself in the world of #HeartsUnleashed a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection. Includes more than twenty NEW heart-pounding supernatural fiction featuring sensual heroes and sassy heroines. Fated mates ✘ Magic ✘ Action ✘ Romance ✘ Suspense ✘ Humor ✘ Amazon:♥♥♥♥ Hearts Unleashed
Info junky news Posted on August 28, 2021 | by C.D. Gorri ANCIENT THREESOME It’s Saturday and that means busy family time <3 but before I go…you all know I am an info junky. Well how cool is this ancient Roman grave marker for the late Allia Potestas who was a Roman woman in a menage a trois relationship whom both lovers exclaimed over exuberantly over her virtuousness and timeless beauty for all eternity here…Translation of her epitaph:To the gods of the dead, [the tomb] of Aulus’ freedwoman, Allia Potestas.Here lies a woman from Perugia. None was more precious than she in the world. One so diligent as she has never been seen before. Great as you were you are now held in a small urn. Cruel arbiter of fate, and harsh Persephone, why do you deprive us of good, and why does evil triumph, everyone asks. I am tired of answering. They give me their tears, tokens of their good will.She was courageous, chaste, resolute, honest, a trustworthy guardian. Clean at home, also clean when she went out, famous among the populace. She alone could confront whatever happened. She would speak briefly and so was never reproached. She was first to rise from the bed, and last to return to her bed to rest after she had put each thing in its place. Her yarn never left her hands without good reason. Out of respect she yielded place to all; her habits were healthy. She was never self-satisfied, and never though of herself as a free woman.Her skin was white, she had beautiful eyes, and her hair was gold? An ivory glow always shone from her face-no mortal (so they say) every possessed a face like it. The curve of her breasts was small on her snow-white bosom. And her legs? Such is the guise of Atalanta upon the stage.In her anxiety she never stayed still, but moved her smooth limbs, beautiful with her generous body; she sought out every hair. Perhaps one may find fault with her hard hands. She was content with nothing but what she did for herself. There was never a topic she thought she knew well enough. She remained virtuous because she never committed any crime.While she lived she so guided her two young lovers that they became like the example of Pylades and Orestes-one house would hold them both and one spirit. [2] But now that she is dead, they will separate, and each is growing old by himself. Now instants damage what such a woman built up; look at Troy, to see what a woman once did. I pray that it be right to use such grand comparisons for this lesser event.These verses for you your patron-whose tears never end-writes in tribute. You are lost, but never will be taken from his heart. These are the gifts he believes the lost will enjoy. After you no woman can seem good. A man who has lived without you has seen his own death while alive. He carries you name in gold back and forth on his arm, where he can keep it, possessing Potestas. [3] As long as these published words of ours survive, so long will you live in these little verses of mine.In your place I have only your image as solace; [4] this we cherish with reverence and lavish with flowers. When I come with you, it follows in attendance. But to whom in my visiting can I trust a thing so venerable? If there ever is anyone to whom I can entrust it, I shall be fortunate in this alone now that I have lost you. But-woe is me-you have won the contest-my fate and yours are the same.Read more here: man who tries to harm this tomb dares to harm the gods: believe me, this woman, made famous by this inscription, has divinity.