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If The Shoe Fits

A Howlin’ Good Fairytale Retelling

He’s a Wolf who can’t let anyone close, but she’s not just anyone.

Ever since that stick in the mud, Wulfredo Tremayne, became principal of the Royal Academy for Magical Advancement my job has been hell.
My name is Madora Troy, but most people call me Dora. Not him, of course, but I don’t take it personally. He is like that with everyone.
I can’t even blame him for his standoffish behavior. I mean, I can’t fault anyone for not catching feelings for someone else just because she has them.
Besides, although he is technically single, he is sort of involved with someone.
See, there is this one female who has Principal Tremayne wrapped around her finger.
Her not entirely grown up finger.
You guessed it, I am talking about his daughter, Cynthia.
Sixteen years old and the most popular girl at the Academy, little Cyndi is not the angel everyone thinks she is. She’s been accused of bullying other students, cheating on tests, and just plain old rudeness towards the staff and select professors.
Yours truly included.
The problem is all complaints stopped short of reaching the principal’s office.
Until now.
I’ve had about all I can take of the snarky young lady, and I’m about to let her father know it, too.
But can I go toe to toe with the man of my dreams and not reveal my crush?

*Find out in this Cinderella Retelling.

*Shortened edition is releasing with the Tales of Wondrously Wicked Witches Anthology

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