The Maverick Pride reboot… bigger, badder, and with a fresh new look!

Hey everyone,

I have received some messages worried about a couple of series recently taken down from one of my publishers. It is true, MTWorlds and I have amicably parted ways. But I am thrilled to say all 3 series will be back up and live as soon as I can get all of the rewrites finished and edited.

And let me tell you… each book will have amazing new characters and slews of brand new scenes between your favorite Pride, Dire Wolf, and Wyvern heroes and heroines!

I have been dying to redo these series for you, and now that I have the opportunity, I am THRILLLED to tell you they will be available once again this fall and I am offering them on WIDE retailers.

Up first will be the Maverick Pride Tales!

Thank you again for the kind words and concern.

My readers are freaking awesome!


C.D. Gorri